Game Decisions



Flow Theory, Game Decisions 

Game flow, or good game flow rather is when a player becomes so immersed in a game they almost loose track of time and concept of life around them. Ok ... bit dramatic lol. But we've all been there when a game gets so good, you're winning challenges or you're about to beat your high score and it feels like it's just you and your screen. That's some good game flow. 

Flow is a fundamental skill to create an engaging experience. Being in flow state can be seen as being at peak engagement with an activity, the idea being that an  engaged player will want to consume more of the game, apposed to a disinterested player who may abandon it. 

The challenge in the game needs to be slightly harder than the players amount of skill to be able to have them in a flow state, or a hyper focused state. These ideas are illustrated in the graph above. 

source- Decision making and flow theory 

source- what is flow theory in game design 


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